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Saturday, 27 November 2010



    The Govenment of the United Kingdom is officialy known as Her Majest's Goverment.The Goverment is led by David Cameron the Prime Minister who can select the other members of the Government.About twenty of the most greatest government ministers make up the Cabinet and about hundret ministers in total comprise the government.According to the rules all ministers are within the government are Members of the Parliament in the House of the Lords.

 The Cabinet is the collective decision of the Government in the United Kingdom composed of David Cameron the Prime Minister and 22 Ministers who are the senior of the Government ministers.

Saturday, 13 November 2010

Member of Parliament


Member of Parliament is a person who reprisend a town or a country and reprisends their interests in the House of Commons.MP's are taking part in considering and suggest new laws.Also they can use their position to ask goverment ministers about importand topics.The MP of Cardiff Central is Miss Willot Jenny.


Monday, 1 November 2010

UK Parliament

             UK PARLIAMENT

     The UK parliament is in central london.The Palace of Westminster is near to the famous Big Ben.
There are two Houses in UK the first one called House of Commons and the other called House of Lords

    The Parliament is an important part of UK politics. Its responsible for:

  • Examining and challenging the work of the government

  • Debating and passing all laws

  • Enabling the government to raise taxes