London is one of the world's most interesting and famous cities.Me and some friends decided to visit London on Saturday.We have only seven hours to see the most famous landmarks and have lunch on a good place beacuse we are taking a packed lunch.For the reason that we are runing out of time,when we arrive at Victoria station at 10:20 we can get out of the station.Victoria is close to many of London best attractions and is also close to Buckingham Palance which is the Queens official London recidence.We have to walk to get there or we can go by bus but my opinion is to go by foot to have a look to the rest center London and safe our money.Moreover,there is a very big park near the Buckingham Palance called the Green park where we can spend our time there and have lunch.The Green park is very peaceful place and has many trees and garssland.It's a great place for picnics and sunbathing if there is sun.
After 2 o'clock we can leave and go to the nearest underground station which is called Green park and from here go to Westminister station but we have to get the Jubilee line (grey colour)and pay 3 pounds.At Westminister rd we can see the Clock Tower, the Palace of Westminister and the famous London Bridge.
After that go back to the Victoria station getting the circle line(yellow) and leave at 17:35.
My opinion is that we are going to have a great day and we won't spend too much money
It's a good idea to walk if you have enough time because you can see a lot more. I think your trip is well organised!